SCA Coffee Skills Program
The Coffee Skills Program is a training system created by the worldwide organization - Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). Training scenarios were developed by the world's best experts from the specialty coffee industry. Qualifications gained during the courses are confirmed by an SCA certificate and recognized all over the world. This can be obtained after a successfully passed exams completing the training.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Barista Skills Intermediate
Data: 24-25.06.19 (Monday-Tuesday)
Level: Intermediate
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The training allows to increase the knowledge about coffee; it’s species and botanical varieties. Improves sensory skills related to espresso, practical skills to control its quality and other gained at the basic level. Participants learn about advanced milk steaming techniques, basic latte art patterns and workplace hygiene rules. They get to know the standards of best customer service and acquire business knowledge about the coffee industry. The course is designed for people who are already working as baristas.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Sensory Skills Intermediate
Data: 27-29.06.19 (Thursday – Satruday)
Level: Intermediate
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The training is a development of the foundation level. Participants learn the differences between objective and subjective assessment of coffee and how to build a sensory panel used for coffee testing. They learn the purposes of the sensory panel work and what competencies are required from it’s members. During the training, sensory attributes of coffee are analysed: acidity, bitterness, astringency/sourness, body, sweetness and flavour quality. Positive and negative characteristics of the coffee are defined. The aim of the training is also to get acquainted with possible errors in sensory analysis and various types of sensory tests of coffee.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Sensory Skills Professional
Data: 30.07 – 01.08.2019 (Tuesday – Thursday)
Level: Professional
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The training is intended for people who want to professionally assess the quality of individual sensory attributes of coffee, it emphasizes learning their objective evaluation and describing them. The course prepares you for the detection of positive and negative sensory aspects in high-quality coffee as well as builds the ability of consistent and methodical professional quality assessment of coffee in accordance with the Specialty Coffee Association standard.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Barista Skills Foundation
Data: 29.08.2019 (Thursday)
Level: Foundation
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The course is designed for people who are willing to start their career in the coffee industry. At this level, barista learns the essential practical skills necessary for the correct use and setting of the coffee grinder and espresso machine. This course also teaches the process of preparation and quality control of espresso and milk coffee beverages, with the usage of a professional espresso machine. No prior experience in working as a barista is required.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Brewing Professional
Data: 02 – 04.09.2019 (Monday – Wednesday)
Level: Professional
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The highest level of training enables the participants to deepen their scientific knowledge about coffee: the influence of the temperature on coffee brewing, levels and types of acids, carbohydrates, lipids and amino-acids during various stages of extraction, the impact of water quality on the taste and quality of the prepared coffee and many others. The course also allows to improve sensory analysis skills and creating coffee description meeting the requirements of the Gold Cup Standard – Specialty Coffee Association.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Barista Skills Intermediate
Data: 26-27.09.2019 (Thursday – Friday)
Level: Intermediate
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The training allows to increase the knowledge about coffee; it’s species and botanical varieties. Improves sensory skills related to espresso, practical skills to control its quality and other gained at the basic level. Participants learn about advanced milk steaming techniques, basic latte art patterns and workplace hygiene rules. They get to know the standards of best customer service and acquire business knowledge about the coffee industry. The course is designed for people who are already working as baristas.

SCA Coffee Skills Program: Barista Skills Professional
Data: 07-09.10.2019 (Monday – Wednesday)
Level: Professional
Venue: Katowice, ul. Teatrlana 10/21
Coffee Support training centre
The training is suitable for baristas who have extensive work experience and have completed the course and passed the exam at the intermediate level of the Coffee Skills system. At this level, knowledge about coffee and about the preparation of espresso-based drinks from both the scientific and business perspective is explored. This course is designed for people who want to scientifically explore knowledge and skills related to the quality of prepared coffee and excellent service for café guests.