of the Coffee Support online store



Whenever in this Privacy Policy of the Coffee Support online store (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) we refer to:

  • Controller – it should be understood as the entity indicated in point II para. 2 below;
  • Online store – it should be understood as an online store run by the Seller at
  • Client – it should be understood as a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit, to whom civil code grants legal capacity.



  1. This Privacy Policy defines the type, scope and the purpose of processing personal data of the Clients of the Online Store.
  2. The Controller of your personal data is Coffee Support- Błażej Walczykiewicz seated, in Ruda Śląska 41-706, ul. ks. Lexa 15 A, NIP: 586 209 0848, hereinafter referred to as the “Controller” and being both the Seller and the Online Store Service Provider. The Controller can be contacted by e-mail: or at the address of the registered office.



  1. Personal data are processed by the Controller mainly on the basis of the consent expressed by the Client and in cases where the law authorizes the Controller to process personal data.
  2. The Controller collects and processes personal data in the following way:

a) through information entered by the Client when registering an account in the Online Store (for Registered Clients),

b) through information entered by the Client during the purchase in the Online Store (for unregistered Clients),

c) through data obtained automatically, ie. collection of “cookies”.

3. Providing personal data by the Client is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing the data may be partial or total inability to conclude and implement a contract.

4. The Client can register to the Online Store to make purchases.

5. The condition for registration on the website by the Client is to provide the Client data, including an email address, login and password, protecting the Account. The Password needs an unique combination of numbers, letters and characters. The lack of an email address may prevent the Client from registering because the Controller will not be able to contact the Client in order to verify his or her personal data. The Login and Password are confidential and should be guarded by the Client against unauthorized use.



  1. The Controller may process the following personal data of Clients using the Online Store:

a) name and surname,

b) e-mail address,

c) contact telephone number,

d) IP address,

e) delivery address (street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country),

f) address of residence / business / seat (if different from the delivery address).

g) with regard to non-consumer Clients:

I. company name and

II. the Tax Identification Number (NIP) of the Client.

2. The purpose, scope and recipients of personal data processed by the Controller, result from actions taken by the Client in the Online Store.

3. The Controller may process Clients’ personal data in order to:

a) conclude and perform the contract – for the duration of the contract until the deadlines for the pursuit of the claims have expired (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. b. GDPR);

b) consider complaints – for a year after the end of the warranty period or settlement of the complaint (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. c GDPR);

c) establish, investigate or defend against claims – until the final termination of proceedings, including enforcement proceedings (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. f GDPR);

d) archive documents and for evidentiary purposes until expiry of the period of prescription of claims, including tax liabilities (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. c GDPR);

e) conduct marketing activities of own products and services without using electronic means of communication, where the legitimate aim is to conduct marketing activities promoting the conducted activity, until the opposition is filed (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. f GDPR);

f) if the Client has consented to it, also in order to conduct marketing activities of its own products and services using electronic communication means, until the consent for such actions is withdrawn or opposition is raised, whichever happens first (on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. f GDPR and provisions of other legal acts, requiring a consent for such activities);

g) for the analytical and statistical purpose, i.e. to research and analyse website data on the statistics of our activities on the Online Store, which allows us to improve our operations, and to administrate the website, until we have an additional other legal basis for processing – in If the basis is lost, the data is anonymized on the basis of art. 6 item 1 lit. f GDPR)

4. In aim to contact the Client, the Controller uses only data provided by the Client in order to contact him/her (in the contact form).



  1. Personal data is not processed in an automated manner, in particular they are not subject to profiling.
  2. As part of the activities performed, the Controller uses cookies files that allow for observation and analysis of traffic on the Online Store website, as well as undertaking remarketing activities.



  1. The Controller collects information contained in Cookies. Cookies are small text files sent by the server and stored on the device of the person visiting the website of the Online Store (for example on the hard drive of the computer, laptop, smartphone memory card, etc.) and which the browser sends back at the next entrances to the Online Store website. Detailed information about cookies as well as the history of their creation can be found f.e. here:
  2. The Controller may process data contained in Cookies when users visit the Online Store, in order to:

a) adjust the content of the Online Store to the Client’s preferences, including by adjusting the colour, font size, layout, as well as optimizing the use of the Online Store website;

b) remember the Goods or Services added to the basket in aim to place an Order;

c) remember data from completed Order Forms, logging into the Online Store, surveys;

d) enable interaction with social networks (for example: posting on Facebook or Twitter directly from the page level);

e) adjust advertising content displayed on the website;

f) create anonymous statistics of the use of the Online Store and clients flow statistics between different websites.

3. Cookies do not cause any configuration changes on the device or software installed on the Client’s device.

4. Cookie settings may be changed at any time by Client, in particular in such a way as to prevent automatic storage or access to cookies. Detailed information on individual browsers is provided below:

a)  Firefox

b)  Chrome

c)  Internet Explorer

d)  Opera

e)  Safari.

5. The Controller warns, however, that blocking or deleting cookies may cause difficulties in using the Online Store, and in justified cases, prevent the use of some of its options.

6. The conditions of storing or accessing Cookies by means of settings in end devices, used by the Client to browse the Online Store, and software installed in these devices, can be found in the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of the device or on the instructions provided on the website. Nevertheless, in most cases, you should select the “Tools” or “Settings” option and find the section responsible for configuring Cookie settings or for managing privacy while browsing the Internet.

7. The Controller may collect IP addresses of Clients visiting the Online Store, which may be helpful in diagnosing technical problems with the server, creating statistical analyses (for example determining from which regions the Online Store has most visits). In addition, they can be useful in administering and improving the Online Store.



  1. The Controller may, within the limits provided by law, entrust the processing of personal data to another entity that provides sufficient guarantees – especially specialist knowledge, credibility and resources – to implement technical and organizational measures complying with legal requirements, including processing security requirements.
  2. The Controller may provide data in particular to the following recipients:

a) Entities operating postal or courier services;

b) Entities that enable us to perform remote payment transactions;

c) Banks, if it is necessary to conduct settlements;

d) State bodies or other entities authorized under the law;

e) Entities supporting the Controller in the activities carried out on our behalf, in particular, suppliers of external systems supporting our activities.



  1. The Client has the right to access his or her personal data, to update data, to rectification, processing restrictions, requests for processing or removal in whole or in part if they are incomplete, out-of-date, untrue or have been collected by violation of the law or are no longer required the purpose for which they were collected and in cases provided for by law. Taking into account the purposes of processing, the data subject has the right to request supplementing incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional statement.
  2. The Client has the right to object to the processing of personal data.
  3. The Client may withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time without affecting the legality of the processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  4. In order to exercise the rights indicated in this Privacy Policy, the Client should contact the Controller. The Controller without any delay, no later than one month from the date of receiving information from the Client should provide answers to Client requests, and if he does not intend to meet such a request – state the reasons.
  5. Within the technical capabilities of the Online Store, the Client may independently make changes to personal data after logging in to the Online Store, using the Password and Login.
  6. In the event that the Controller plans to continue processing personal data for purposes other than the purpose for which the personal data were collected, prior to such further processing, he shall inform the data subject about that other purpose and provide him with all other relevant information required by law.
  7. The Client has the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych in Poland) in accordance with applicable law, in the event of the Controller’s failure to comply with the applicable law in the field of personal data protection.



  1. The Controller uses, required by law, technical and organizational measures necessary to protect the data, in particular protecting personal data of Clients against making them available to unauthorized persons, against loss or damage.
  2. Any additional questions related to the Privacy Policy may be directed to the following address
  3. The Controller is entitled to unilaterally change the Privacy Policy, in particular in the event of:

a) changes of the applicable provisions of law applicable to the services provided by the Online Store;

b) changing the offer of the Online Store in the scope of provision of services, with the reservation that changes to the Privacy Policy are aimed at adapting the Privacy Policy to the offer and its terms.

4. The Controller shall notify the Client of any change to the Privacy Policy, in the form of an e-mail sent to the email address provided to the Seller by the Client, indicated in the registration data entered by the Client, at least 14 days prior to the changes. Clients will be bound by the provisions of the new Privacy Policy if they re-accept the Privacy Policy.

5. The principles set out in the Privacy Policy are governed by the polish law and, accordingly, by the law of the European Union.

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